There are a myriad of choices to be made once you’ve finally committed to continuing your education into graduate school. Now that you’ve decided “I will,” where should you go? Is a traditional or online grad program the best one for you?
Making a Distinction
At least for the purposes of this post, I’m defining traditional graduate programs as those offered through brick-and-mortar educational institutions. Many traditional graduate programs have been in existence for decades, require that you take classes on-campus in a traditional classroom environment, and should have proper program accreditation.
Online graduate programs don’t require that you step foot on campus. Getting your graduate education on is as simple as logging into your computer. There are several “traditional” universities that offer online extensions of their programs to cater to the preferences of their students (also called “distance learning programs”).
And then there are online graduate programs that do not operate as an off-shoot of brick-and-mortar institutions. The university is online. Many of these types of programs are delivered through for-profit institutions of higher education.